Be the best Trick or Treat spot in the neighborhood

If you want to be the best Trick or Treat house on the block but not sure where to start, check out these helpful tips.

  • Thursday, October 27 6-9pm

    • Troy, Tipp City, Piqua and many other cities are hosting Trick or Treat Thursday, October 28 6-9pm. See an extensive list of locations HERE

  • Make your location well lit and obvious

    Perhaps the first step in being the best trick-or-treating house on the block is to make it very clear that you are offering up Halloween treats. Depending on your neighborhood’s vibe, the participation level from house to house could be varied, and you don’t want to scare kids away by not making your home an obvious stop. So make sure your porch lights are bright and on.

    • DIY or buy door covers or wreaths that make it obvious you are open for candy business.

    • Throw open the curtains at the front of your house and consider some window decor that is Fall themed.

    • Work on lighting the path from the street to your front door so that it is easy to navigate.

    • Portable Fire Pit or fun outdoor lighting

  • Create atmosphere

    Make your stop the most inviting on the whole block by communicating the invitation to stick around. It is unsafe and unwise to invite or encourage anyone to enter your home, but you can still create a friendly, inviting atmosphere outside!

    • Easy Up Tent- they not only create visibility but also create a hospitable vibe.

    • Set out extra chairs, is very welcoming and communicates your invitation to hang out.

    • Music is always helpful in creating atmosphere!

  • Good Hand Outs

    This is pretty obvious. You’re going to want to have good treats to give. You don’t have to spend a ton (and I suggest having control over the handing out of the treats, not leaving an unattended bowl as a free-for-all). A mix of the good brand name candies handed out with some more affordable, less-popular candy is probably the best budget mix. Please stick to store-bought unless you’ll be giving treats out to folks you know (and who know you)

    • Hot Chocolate or Apple Cider

    • Juice Pouches, water bottles or canned soda

    • Doughnuts, cookies, cupcakes, etc.

    • Nachos & Cheese

    • Hotdogs or finger foods they can take with them

    • Non-edible treats! Check out “Teal Pumpkin Project” below for more details

  • Dress Up!

    It’s not required that you dress up to be the best trick-or-treating house on the block, but boy it adds to the fun (both yours and the families that come to your door!). Dressing up in a costume will put you more in the festive mood and depending on what you choose to dress up in, could help you be a memorable house on the block this year and next. Go a step further and incorporate a theme including your costume, decorations and treats!

  • Have something interactive

    The affordability of motion sensors and your endless creative imagination can make for a great partnership when it comes to dreaming up ways to make your home a little interactive for the Trick or Treat.

    • Yard decor item that makes a noise when kids walk by on the way to the door.

    • A doorbell addition that makes a spooky noise instead of a regular “ding.”

    • Having the kids choose between two buckets of candy without being able to see what’s in there.

    • Selfie Station- A backdrop or decorations for families to snap a few selfies. It could even be snapping instant photos of the best costumes with their family and handing them to take back with them as a keepsake (with parent permission, of course).

    • Simple Craft projects- you can find many options at dollar stores and online HERE or provide coloring pages.

  • Teal Pumpkin Project

    The Teal Pumpkin Project is a simple way to make trick-or-treating safer and more inclusive for the one in 13 children living with food allergies, and many others impacted by intolerances and other conditions. Placing a teal pumpkin on your doorstep signals that, in addition to candy, you offer non-food trinkets and treats that are safe for all trick or treaters.

    • If you are willing to participate in Teal Pumpkin efforts please add your address to THIS MAP, to make it easier for families to find you!

    • TCCKids have a few Teal Pumpkins available if you would like to borrow one. Email to work out arrangements.

  • Make it a Group Effort

    Your TCC Small Group is a built in party! Talk with your group and determine who may have the best location or resources to be the Best Trick or Treat Spot. You can all pitch in (ideas, resources, purchases, etc.) and make it the Best, most inviting, welcoming, fun trick or treat spot in the whole town!

    • TCCGroups Challenge! Snap a picture of your small group hosting a trick or treat spot, send it to to be entered for a prize! Picture must be submitted by Friday, October 29 by 5:00pm

  • Resources Available

    TCCKids have some resources available to help you be the best trick or treat spot on the block! Simply contact to work out arrangements. Most resources are limited and will be first come, first serve.

    • Teal Pumpkins (only 4-5 available)

    • Non-edible treats

    • Black Lights

    • Large Candy decorations (lollipops, gummy bears, etc.)

    • Easy Up Tents (2 available)

    • Folding Chairs

    • Candy Scholarships

    • Halloween themed invite cards to TCC

Go love your community and be a bright light!