Bennett Send-Off

It is with mixed emotions that we say farewell for now to Mike and Pam Bennett. We celebrated Mike and Pam on stage, with a scrapbook containing memories of Pam's worship leading, through many conversations, in words on a canvas signifying their journey from Ohio to North Carolina and with a gift card to help in making the new home their own.

Mike's journey at TCC from onlooker to Ministry Team lead for our security team has been a joy to watch. He has truly become a part of our church body through both his service and his friendships. His good work will bear fruit for years to come.

Pam has been an integral part of TCC for over four decades! She has served in many capacities from our Church Secretary to the Ministry Team lead for our drama ministry to a Children's worship leader and has also served on many different ministry teams. She has done more than anyone knows behind the scenes as not only a servant but as an encourager to many.

We rejoice with Mike and Pam for this new opportunity they have to be near to their children and grandchildren. We pray God leads them to a new church that will be blessed through their lives and their ministry and will bless them in return. We also pray for their opportunity to be a loving and godly influence to their family.
